GOODBYE 366 reasons to be happy… hello PIXEL GIRL!

You may have noticed i’ve been totally lame at keeping up with these blog posts, the fact is that I just don’t have time to blog every single day! So rather than carry on doing it but in a half arsed manner and bore you by doing two or three posts a day in order to catch up i’ve decided to scrap it all together and go ahead to an even better more exciting super duper project.

Launcing tomorrow…. THE ADVENTURES OF PIXEL GIRL! My week in comics – much more me, much more original and lots more fun. I’ve never drawn a comic before and I can’t wait to give it a go!

This idea was inspired by my friend Drew who has an awesome weekly comic calledΒ  ‘Have a Go Hero’ – he may even make a guest appearance in my first pixel girl adventure!
I also adore local illustrator Rachel Smith’s blog ‘One Good Thing’ which she updates every day with cute stories and lovely annecdotes – make sure you check both of these talented artists out πŸ™‚

Also, here’s a picture of a puffin, because he’s mega cute:

Source: via Momma on Pinterest


Hope you’re all having a fab week πŸ™‚

Leah xx


Filed under Ramblings

3 responses to “GOODBYE 366 reasons to be happy… hello PIXEL GIRL!

  1. Haha I love the penguin and I am SO excited for pixel girl!! I so hope Digital Ali makes a debut at some point πŸ˜‰ Can’t wait to see more hun πŸ™‚ xx

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